Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hello Spring!

Holy moly! The spring flowers around here have been bursting with colors, heavenly scents, and wonderful variety! Plus, so many of the warmer climate plants are loving the heat! In 20 years, our wisteria has produced one meager bloom. My mom and I have enviously poured over magazine spreads and blogs showing overflowing wisteria blooms in trellis form and dripping over bridges. Alas! This hot spurt has breathed new life into ours!!! We at first could not believe our eyes... were those bugs, buds, or a fungus? These mysterious white growths have begun slowly unfurling into our very own obnoxious wisteria display!

(more of these to come!)

And I just had to clip some viburnum for the house -- it smells heavenly!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tiptoe through the daffodils!


What is it about dining outside at night in the *ahem* summer? Every night this week has been perfectly mild and balmy with the perfect breeze. Even the simplest table setting with fresh daffodils and budding branches intertwined makes the night that much better....