Sunday, September 12, 2010


Estate Sale!
Not much to photograph but I found a cool vintage Boy Scout backpack ($5!) but it was a bit too "rustic" (aka old and stained) to tempt me. Bummer!


Totally creeping on a cute outfit I passed a few days ago!
(Also saw a lot of skinny cargos with oxfords - so cute!)

Also made some delicious granola bars... mmm! I used this Martha Stewart recipe, along with a few modifications.
I recommend getting the peanut butter (I used almond butter!) in a large jar to make sure you have enough... go to Costco whoo!

Mix it up by substituting/adding Cheerios, raisins, M&M's, or other nuts... I have absolutely no clue about their nutrition info/calories, haha so eat with caution!

Cool animal heads in Anthropologie (as usual)

Found a really quirky website: Supermarket
Be sure to check out their watches... my favorites are the architectural ones!

1 comment:

  1. I WANT those delicious looking goodies! Will you make them for me?... Please!
