Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kudos to Sylvester Graham (An American Advocate of Dietary Reform) ... and Martha Stewart

I have been seeing recipes for homemade graham crackers for a while, and I couldn't find one I really liked... that is until I saw the Martha Stewart's cookie of the day: Graham Crackers!

I substituted the all-purpose flour with Spelt flour to give it a heartier taste and, of course, added extra cinnamon. I also added a touch of chili pepper powder for an extra bite!

( I love the fact that the recipe doesn't call for eggs, so the dough was 100% edible!)

I don't think I rolled them out quite thin enough, so they ended up kind of like tea cookies, but I left them out for the night to stale up a bit, and they definitely tasted much better (more graham-cracker-esque)!


  1. Kit! These look soooo good!!!
    Hopefully I'll see you sometime over Thanksgiving or Christmas break!

  2. Kitty- I MUST have some of those delicious Graham crackers!!!

  3. Madeline! I'll make you some!

    And Abby-I'll bring some down soon!
